Monday, October 30, 2006

Marine Corps Marathon...and a wedding

The title sounds like a movie that should star Hugh Grant...Stamos would love it.
Karin and I went to the marathon on Sunday to cheer on a few friends and get psyched up for New York this weekend. We started on the Key Bridge right after mile 4 and saw Karin's friend, Dan who wore a toga for the race...see if you can pick him out:

We then went to mile 9 and met up with Tom and Carrie (Carrie's dad and bro were running also) but had to leave right after that so Karin could catch her flight. While waiting for the metro on the way home took this pic...

I also got my memory cards back from Matt (there is a link to his site under "Links") today so I was able to check out the pics from the fourth wedding I assisted him with...all in all, the photos were not very impressive, but I like this one:

Hopefully will have some pics up next week from NYC.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Charles Gregory Strawderman

Stopped by the hospital yesterday to see the newest Strawderman. Here are a few pics:

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wedding #4

Did my fourth wedding on Sept 30 with Matt. It was at Old St. Mary's in Annapolis. Here is a shot I took with some of Matt's equipment (he was nice enough to send it to me):

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Sneeze

Ok, its quite obvious I have too much time on my hands...well, that or too many Miller High Life's in my belly...yup Miller High Life, the champagne of beers...either way, here's to living the high life:

(click on the pic to see a better view)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Ah another old man look for Allison...looks like a guy who sits next to you in a bar and offers you a cigar while drinking whiskey...

Gene Simmons is a wuss...makes me laugh every time I look at it:

Monday, October 02, 2006

Third Wedding

Here are a few pics from the third wedding I did with Matt. He put some of his up on his site if you are interested in seeing what he took... (it is the "Hair today, gone tomorrow" post from 9/25).

Father/Daughter dance, Matt got a good one of them...she was crying pretty hard by the end of the dance, he has it on his site.
