Monday, November 27, 2006


Here are a few of the shots from the baptism:

Nice lower lip Allison...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Black Keys

Went to see the Black Keys at 930 club the other night. Pretty impressive that its just two guys.

New York City

The day before the marathon, we were on the subway and these 4 guys came on with a stereo and put on a show. It was pretty amazing. One guy ran up the side of the subway car and did a flip, couldn't believe show in NYC:

Later I walked over to central park and took this:

NYC Marathon

Here are a few pics that Lisa and Marc took of Karin and I at around mile 18. They caught me walking...

Here is the sign they made...pretty funny:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chief Justice

So I was looking through the pics from the fouth wedding yesterday and I noticed I took a pic of Chief Justice Roberts without even knowing it. Pretty pathetic that I didn't recognize him: