Tuesday, January 30, 2007

B'nai Mitzvah

Matt and I did a B'nai Mitzvah (as he explains on his blog is the plural form of Bat and/or Bar, since it was for cousins) in November. It was a pretty impressive party, considering it was for two twelve year olds, I can't imagine what their weddings will be like...anyway. The house was pretty nice...as you can see the kitchen is very similar to mine:

Here are some random shots from the night, this little girl was pretty funny, loved having her picture taken:

All the kids were given pink socks to put on:

Killin' it on the dance floor...

Old man has more game than I do:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

NYE Wedding

Helped Matt with a wedding on NYE. Was at the same church Kevin and Anne were married in, with the same Pastor: