Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lisa and Derek

I helped Matt M. with Lisa and Derek's wedding the other weekend. Here are a few shots from it:

I showed this picture to the kid after taking it (another nice thing about shooting digital) and he loved it...followed me around all night asking to see it again and again, pretty funny:

At the end of the night, these two were dancing together...ah young love:

Also, don't forget...this Sunday is Matt Mendelsohn's Photo Marathon event in Old Town Alexandria. This is a great opportunity to get a cool portrait done by one of the top photographers in DC (hell, in the nation as far as I'm concerned) and to contribute to a great cause. Take a look at his blog for the details:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

18 years...

After 18 years of dating, two of my good friends, Dan and Lauren, got married last weekend. They had a small, family only ceremony held at Dan's brother Paul's house in Purcellville VA (they live on Lovers Lane):

After the ceremony there was a reception held at the Blackthorne Inn in Upperville, VA. Here are a few shots from the day:

Had to get the pre-wedding jam in:

Dan's cousin Nate's kids:

And Paul's daughter Samantha:

Last dance of the night:

and the Woodbridge crew:

Thursday, September 06, 2007

40 years and new beginnings

Karin and I went up to Brockport (upstate New York) over Labor Day weekend to celebrate her parents' 40th wedding anniversary. They threw a party at the American Association of University Women house (where Mr. Toth works) to celebrate the anniversary and both Karin and Lisa's engagements. Over 60 people came to the event, which I thought was really impressive.
A few details:

Karin, Marc, Lisa, Greg and Natalie mingling with the guests:

Alex giving the bunny ears:

Mr. and Mrs. Toth:
Marc and Lisa flirting as usual:

Greg and Natalie:
A goofy picture of yours truly and the future Mrs. yours truly:

I think I like Matt Mendelsohn's engagement shot of us better:

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Matt Mendelsohn in the Post

For those of you who don't know, Matt Mendelsohn wrote a great article for this Sunday's Washington Post Magazine, check it out if you have time:

I'm a bit behind with the blog (as usual), but I should be putting up some pics from this weekends 40th anniversary party for Karin's parents and a wedding I did with Matt M a few weeks ago. I also have a wedding coming up this weekend for a good friend, so there will be plenty of material for the next few weeks.