Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Winter Wedding and Easter Sunday

It has been a while since I posted wedding shots, but I haven't been doing many weddings lately...this is the slow season. But it is about to pick up. Here are some shots of Doug Sackin and Jessica Adelman's wedding from January. They got married at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC. As usual, I covered the guys getting ready while Matt Mendelsohn took shots of the girls.

Here is Jessica's father giving her away:

Here are some shots of the party's fairly obvious that everyone had a great time!

See if you can spot Matt M. in the picture below...

We spent Easter with my family, and Kim set up an Easter egg hunt for Allison. To be honest I didn't think she hid the eggs very well...I mean I could have found them way faster then Allison did...but then again she isn't even 2 years old...

After finding all the eggs, she read a book to Grandpa Symons:

And after dinner she went exploring on the back deck while the boys smoked cigars:

I am helping Matt M. with a wedding this Saturday so there will be more pictures coming soon.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Swimming with the fish

Well...not exactly swimming with the fish but we did swim with a dolphin while on our honeymoon in Cozumel.  Here are a few pics from the disposable waterproof camera we bought right before getting in the water.

Karin catching a ride: