Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back to Weddings

It's been a while since I did a wedding post, so it's about time I get back to them, since I have a few to catch up on and one coming up next weekend. About a month ago I helped Matt M. with a wedding at the Woodend Nature Sanctuary in Chevy Chase. It was raining off and on throughout the day...and the ceremony was to be held outside. Fortunately the bride and groom (Emily and Jay) were really laid back people and just went with the flow. It was a pretty tough wedding to shoot, but was probably the most enjoyable, because Emily and Jay, and all the other guests were such nice people and were just happy to be together and celebrating the marriage. Here is a shot of some deer that I noticed as we were walking to the ceremony site...I didn't notice when I took the picture but there is a fawn right under the doe (click the picture to see the larger version):
The rain held off (for the most part) just long enough for the ceremony:Not only was there rain throughout the day, but it was also rather warm in the is a shot of Emily cooling off by the fan (Matt M. and I parked ourselves in front of this fan quite a few times too!). You can see a similar (much better actually) shot that Matt M. took of this on his blog

Hopefully I'll have time this week to put up some pics of another one of the weddings I did with Matt M recently.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Quick Post

I haven't been keeping up with the blog much lately (haven't posted any of the wedding images that I have done...but maybe soon if I have time)...but here are a couple shots from this weekends BBQ at my brothers house.

Allison enjoying the baby pool:
Here is a quick shot I took in between grilling...noticed some nice light and grabbed Anne, Kevin and Jacob (next time we'll take a little more time and maybe even lose the baby bottles...oh well):