I am finally getting around to posting a few shots of my son Peter. He was born April 7th and has been keeping Karin and I very busy. Here are a few from the hospital...the first one is about a minute after he was born:
It's been an eventful week, I became a father on Tuesday morning and Karin, Peter and I are doing great. I don't have any pictures of Peter yet, but don't worry, this blog will soon be filled with his pictures. For anyone who isn't interested in pictures of babies...don't bother coming back for a few months. Anyway, Karin and I went over to my brothers house the other weekend and I took some pictures of Allison that I wanted to post before Peter takes over this blog...so here they are:
This post is way overdue. Karin and I went to Alaska in September for 9 days. We flew into Anchorage, rented a car and drove down to Seward for a few days, then drove up to Denali National Park, then back down to Anchorage for the final 2 days. We had a good time for most of it, but it certainly wasn't the best timing for the trip...we found out a few weeks before leaving that Karin was pregnant...and during the trip she got to experience morning sickness every day. That, along with the rain in Seward and Anchorage and the fact that we both got sick for the last 2 days of the trip kind of put a damper on our trip. While is wasn't the greatest trip of our lives, we definitely enjoyed seeing Alaska and will be going back at some point. Here are a few shots from the trip (the colors were amazing!): Karin next to a glacier: We lucked out and were able to see the top of Mt. Denali (Mt. McKinley to the lower 48...but in Alaska it is referred to as Mt. Denali), only about 20% of people who visit it get to see the top:This will probably be the last post before it is loaded with baby pictures, so I hope you enjoyed the landscapes!