Friday, May 22, 2009

Ryan and Ginny

Ryan and I have been friends since middle school...the days of playing hockey in his parents unfinished basement listening to Anthrax and Metallica. Not hockey video games...but our version of deck hockey (when it was too cold, wet or dark to play outside)...slap shots at point blank range and checking your friends into random boxes laying around the basement included. Ah the good old days. So when he asked John Boal (friend since 4th grade and now photojournalist) and me to shoot his wedding, we were happy to oblige. John and I split duties and had a great time at the wedding. Here are a few shots from the day.

I couldn't resist putting this shot up...thank goodness the Caps won in a blowout, otherwise BlackBerry's and iPhones might have been out during the ceremony to check the score.

How about this for a corny shot...I couldn't was there and had to be taken:
It's all about the look on their faces:
I normally only put up one shot of the first dance, but I couldn't decide between these three, so I put them all up...and there is no way the forth one wasn't going to be posted.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Went fishing about two weeks ago for Rockfish off Tilghman Island on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Caught 3 pretty big fish...between 35" and 39". I don't have much time to write, but we had a blast:

Thursday, May 07, 2009

First Day Home

I was going through some more pictures of Peter and found this one from our first day home from the hospital.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sleeping Baby

Keeping up with blogging was tough when I didn't have a's a hell of a lot tougher now. Spending time in front of a computer editing images after a full day of work (usually sitting in front of a computer) away from Peter is not easy to do. I had some time yesterday to get through a few images though. Here are a couple quick shots of him on our bed, that I took the other day:

I have plenty of pictures coming...a wedding from last week...a fishing trip...more pics of Peter...another wedding coming up this weekend...busy busy busy.