Friday, January 04, 2008

Christmas Break

Karin and I went up to Brockport to see her family over Christmas break. It was pretty cold up there and we actually got some snow, which was nice since we haven't had snow on Christmas in the DC area for a while. Here is a shot of downtown Brockport from Java Junction where Marc and I stopped off for some coffee and to warm up.

Here is Lisa and Tula on Christmas eve in between wrapping gifts.

And a goofy picture of Karin and I.

We flew back to Virginia on Christmas morning to spend the day with my family, and in between throwing the football, opening presents, eating and drinking a I took a few pictures of my niece Allison. I only got a few of her dressed up before she got into more comfortable clothes:

For some reason she decided to see what one of her socks tasted like...evidently she liked it, because she walked around with it in her mouth for a lot of the day.

Checking out the gifts (I think she liked the wrapping paper as much as the actual gifts)

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