Monday, May 12, 2008

Breakfast with some old friends

One of my closest friends also lives down in the Pinehurst area (very close to Duff and my sister). Matt (yes another Matt) and I have been friends since 4th grade. He and his wife Linn and their son Logan met Karin and I out for breakfast on the Sunday of my sisters wedding weekend. We got to catch up over a good breakfast and then got a tour of their house. We tried to get a some shots of the family, but Logan wasn't really in the mood to be photographed...still got a few though.

Next time we visit (hopefully soon) after doing some fishing, we'll get some better shots (I promise Mrs. Clark!!!)


matt mendelsohn said...

That mirror picture is truly killer!!!!!!!! Really great.

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt! I saw the link to your blog on John's blog. Hope you're doing well ... your shots are beautiful. Send along my best to Matt Clark, too! When are you guys gonna cave and joing Facebook? :)

Take care,
Christy (Riser)