Sunday, June 14, 2009

Leslie and Paul

About a month ago, Kim's (my sister-in-law) sister Leslie got married at the Hay-Adams Hotel in D.C. I wasn't the main shooter but she asked me to take a few shots when I got the chance (I was also on baby duty). It was a beautiful ceremony on the top of the hotel with an amazing view of the White House. I was in the back watching Peter but managed to take a few shots of the ceremony:

Allison loves being around Peter and was trying to rock him to sleep:

Not surprisingly...I took quite a few pictures of my favorite she is dancing with her grandmother:
and with grandpa...and well...everyone and anyone who felt like getting on the dance floor:
I love this shot...the look on Leslie's face...pure joy:

Another shot that I really is Allison staring out a huge window into the streets of D.C.
One of the benefits about having your reception at the Hay-Adams is that there are plenty of famous people who stay there, we ran into Natalie Portman and Dennis Leary during the reception.

Next up is Catherine and Jonathan's wedding I did a couple weeks ago...then Greg and Natalie's...and then a few pics of my friend Emily's son...and hopefully a couple random shots of Peter here and there.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

cool pics. like the one of allison and your dad.